Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Route

This is my planned route.  The different colors represent each day's ride, which will be loaded into my Garmin Zumo GPS.  I have a helmet intercom which can Bluetooth connect to the Zumo so that I can get verbal directions just like a car GPS.  Pretty slick, huh?  The eastbound route is the northern one and the return route is the southern one.  I figure that by late October when I will be coming back I need to avoid crossing the Rockies due to the possibility of snow.

Sometimes I look at this map and wonder.......what was I thinking?  It's a big country and that is a looooong way to ride!  Then at other times I just think, wow, 22 days of doing what I love to do.......can't beat that. 


  1. Wow, didn't really conceptualize "trip across country" until I saw this. That looks like a FUN ride! Do you have hotel ideas for each night or just gonna pick when you get there? Did that map print for you off the the Zumo? We're taking my Nuvi to Europe. I wish I could have figured out how to load trips on it but I never got around to it so we'll just have to plug each address in.

  2. I haven't made any motel reservations because I'm not positive where I will end up each day. I figure at this time of the year there shouldn't be any problem getting a room. The map is a screen snip of Garmin Mapsource window. You need Mapsource to plan routes, because if you just put a destination in your Nuvi it will pick the route and it may not be the one you want. The Nuvi is just about the same as the Zumo. By the way, I figured out (with a little help) how to bluetooth my new phone to my headset, so I can make and receive calls while riding.
