Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Bump In The Road

The only thing  good about this road is that it is the road to recovery.

The sad part is that this is a revision knee surgery......it was already done once about 13 years ago.  I thought it would last longer than that, and it wasn't bothering me, but a routine check showed the plastic parts were starting to wear out and could cause the metal parts to come loose.

So, no riding for awhile.  For sure, I hope, I will be ready to go when the weather gets better for riding.  I did manage to get one short one in on the day before the surgery.  That was a week ago.  Things are progressing, slower than I would like, but it's always the way I guess.

And if it looks painful?........yep.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Ride Lately

We have been having a hell of a winter and the last time I rode my motorcycle was a couple of weeks ago.  So now I mostly ride my chained-up tractor.  Last night we had almost 6 inches of new snow over some left over from a storm last week.  I needed to get wood for the wood stove, so I drove up to the woodshed:

Then I hauled the wood to the outside door to our wood closet:

The lower, steepest part of the driveway needs to be cleared.  Before we got the tractor, I would be able to get down the driveway, but sometimes not back up.

It's times like this that I wish I had a real snow blade for the tractor.  The loader is not the best for snow removal, but it's far better than a shovel.  I bought the chains for the tractor a couple of years ago and never put them on until this year, so we don't often have this much snow.

I end up with a big pile of snow at the bottom of the driveway and it's going to be a long time before it is all melted.

I haven't been totally away from my bike.  The last couple of days I have been doing some preventative maintenance including a valve adjustment check and replacement of the brake fluid.  Used to be, in the days of the classic Triumph, that you could adjust the valves alongside the road with only a couple of tools (and sometimes you had to).  Now, this Honda is the most fiddley and complicated of any vehicle I've ever owned.  I can understand why dealers charge $600 to do it.