Sunday, September 25, 2011


This morning I had to ride over 100 miles just to get to the next gas stop in Vale, OR, so I topped off and went for it.  The temps were a lot cooler and I went 119 miles with no problem whatsoever.  I was gaining some confidence that whatever the problem was I may be able to get around it by keeping the tank level high and riding in cooler temps.  Then I rode another 100 miles or so past Boise to the turnoff for hwy 20 to my overnight here in Arco, ID.  This included some stretch of Interstate 84 with a 75 mph speed limit.  I tried to stay in the right hand lane, but the trucks had a slower limit so I had to pass them, hoping the bike wouldn't take a burp while I was out in the fast lane.  By the time I started on my last 175 miles I was relaxed and confident the bike was going to run OK.  I don't know what the problem was yesterday.......maybe I got some bad gas in Maupin, OR.  It was a pretty dinky little station and I noticed the pump said the gas contained no ethanol.  Where do you get gas like that nowadays?  All the major brands have ethanol, so maybe I got some home-brew that was too volatile in high temps.  Still, I'm a little concerned about the fuel pump.  When I went to the Kawasaki website to get a part number, I discovered that the part has been superseded by another one.  That often means that there was a problem with the original and they went to an improved version.  Of course, it can also mean they found a cheaper supplier.  At any rate, tomorrow I may order one from an online source to be sent to my brother's in St. Louis where I can change it out.  It would be over $250 in parts and shipping, so it better be the right choice.

Once I relaxed I had a good ride today.  I saw a huge amount of sparsely occupied country in Southern Idaho and the roads were pretty straight.  I even got my Ipod out and connected it to my helmet intercom.  The sound quality is amazing given I have ear plugs in and wind noise to deal with.  The ear plugs cancel out the wind noise but allow the music at high volume to get through.  I quickly learned that I can't rock-out while riding down the highway because my gyrations cause steering inputs that get me all over the highway.

Some pics from the day:

You know you're a redneck when.....
Your rifle is worth more than your pickup.

This is the cute little motel I am staying in in Arco.  Away from the highway, clean, and cheap.  I can tell the walls are thin, though.

This is what I found next to the motel.  I don't know what a submarine conning tower is doing in the middle of Idaho, but there it is.  You can see my motel sign in the background.

A little local humor in the sub memorial parking area:


  1. So far so good with the WiFi? If even that little hotel had it you should be good to go all over the country?!? Also, you can always get free WiFi at any Starbucks...

  2. They did a bunch of nuclear stuff down around Arco in the early days of nuclear power...It seems like the town was once powered by a reactor I think. I'll bet the submarine has something to do with that as so many are nuclear powered.
    Glad to hear the bike is doing better. Hopefully it holds out!

  3. Why put off til tomorrow what you can put off til the day after tomorrow? ;~p
