Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Beat the Rain

In fact, the prediction of rain might have been a bit overblown.  We've had a few sprinkles, but not much.  It is still in the forecast, though, and our gardens need it.

It was such a beautiful day with perfect riding temps that I just couldn't take the most direct route home.  I came up over Mt Hood and down a normally great curvy road into the town of Hood River, but the road was messed up by a lot of cinders left over from the last effort to provide traction in snow and ice.  So I rode backwards on the road that provided the view in my first day's blog, and then added the Vancouver area racer road from Carson to Cougar.  It was a great way to end the ride.  Today was 260 miles and I got home about 1pm.   The total trip miles was 2,353. 

I've got the bike cleaned up and on the lift ready for a bunch of maintenance, the most intensive of which is a valve check and adjustment.  Based on the comments yesterday from Mike, I checked the charge going to the battery at high rpm and found it to be normal, so I guess I just happened to have a couple of burned-out bulbs and not a voltage regulator problem.  I have been planning to install a voltage gauge and was just waiting for the valve check to give me a chance to install it.  My last bike left Carolyn and I stranded outside of San Francisco when the stator fried itself and the battery went completely dead.  A gauge will give me some warning about these problems. 

I'm thankful for a fun and safe ride for both myself and Jenny, and that Carolyn is not suffering too many after effects of the accident.  It's also good to be home. 


  1. I'll be interested in hearing how the valve check went. Must be hard avoiding riding in the rain in your part of the country. (BTW, I'm Smaug from the CBR500riders forum, located in the Chicago suburbs)

  2. I will report on the valve check results on the forum.
