Friday, March 11, 2016

The Triumph Goes Electronic

I had planned to convert to electronic ignition on the Triumph, and some starting problems convinced me that now was better than later.  Since my friend Orv had already done this with his '68 Bonneville I figured the easy way out would be to copy the system he installed and ask him to help me install mine.  In addition to the electronic ignition, I also went electronic with the charging system and got rid of the old voltage regulator/rectifier and the attendant Zener diode and heat sink.

These are the new parts:

Orv came over yesterday afternoon and we launched into the project.  His experience with having done the job before was invaluable and saved me a bunch of time and likely some mistakes.  Here he is checking over the directions:

When we were done we had this small pile of unneeded old parts:

After about four hours the job was done and the bike started and ran well.  It always feels really good to get a running engine after doing major work like that.  Points and condenser ignitions were always a pain, and the new system should be much more reliable and require less maintenance.  To celebrate, we went out to dinner at a new local restaurant.

It's pretty rare that I can have somebody to help me with a motorcycle project and it was fun working with Orv and, for a change, being the guy who fetches tools and does the grunt work.

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