Friday, July 15, 2016

PNW Grand Tour

Last winter I was contemplating another ride across the country to celebrate my 75th birthday.  After I worked on it for awhile, even choosing a route, I came to the conclusion that the logistics were just too difficult.  Plus, I remembered how roads in the middle of the country are too flat, windy, and straight.  Jenny had wanted to go along on part of the cross country ride, but I think I convinced her that a grand tour of the Pacific Northwest, where I showed her all the good roads I have discovered since we moved here, would be more fun.  This is the route I developed:

The ride with both of us together starts in San Francisco and makes a counter-clockwise loop.  Each day is color coded, and the total mileage is about 2800.  After five days we will arrive back at Woodland where we will spend some time with her kids Jonas and Adina, who will fly up for a visit.  Maybe we will take a local ride while here, and I will also do some maintenance on her bike.  Then we will take three days to return to San Francisco, again taking some of the good roads I have discovered.  Of course, I will have to ride to San Fran and back, so I will be doing about another 1500 miles.  I leave on July 22 for San Fran, and we leave on the grand tour on the 25th.  Should be a great ride and I'm really looking forward to revisiting these roads and showing them to Jenny.


  1. Can't wait! Did a couple freeway rides with full saddle bags to see how it felt. I think I'm all dialed in!

  2. Me too. I'm ready for a vacation from this crazy world for awhile. A good long ride with a good riding buddy should do the trick.
