Monday, June 10, 2013

A-Maze-ing apartment

We have been in Dublin, Ireland for a couple of days and are staying in an apartment where I still make mistakes getting to our unit.  Carolyn and I will take you on a tour:

Here is the outside door to the building

Once the desk clerk lets us in the building we enter the next doorway:

Then over to this door:

Through another door:
Up a flight of stairs and down the hallway to another door that has a release button to let us out into a courtyard:

Then we walk across the courtyard to another door with a keypad:

Now back inside and up a couple of steps, we head for another door

That gets us to an elevator

Which we take to the fourth floor

Then out of the elevator and through this door

And finally to our apartment door

The architect for this place was obviously insane and incompetent.  Once inside the apartment every room has a door that automatically closes and cannot be kept open for ventilation.  We assume these are fire doors, but in case of a fire we would never be able to figure out how to get out of the building in a hurry so we would be toast anyway. 

Oh, and the internet only works in the bathroom and one of the bedrooms, so right now I am sitting on our bed with the netbook in my lap and the mouse on the nightstand. 

However, the weather has been fabulous.  The Irish are going bananas and say this is the best stretch of weather they have had in three to ten years, depending on who you talk to. 

We have seen lots of interesting things, but since this is about motorcycles (and Mustangs), here is a picture of some professional courior riders:

Small bikes with Hippo Hands.

Tomorrow we check out of here (should be able to find our way out by then) and rent a car for the next stage. 

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