No, not on the motorbike.........on the pedal bike.
I got this bike for my 68th birthday, so a little more than six years to get this mileage. For the first year or two after I started riding this bike I was doing 2,000 miles, but I have tapered off a lot in the past few years. I have become less comfortable with riding on the local two-lane roads with no shoulder, as traffic has increased and my bravery has decreased. Before this bike, I was riding an old mountain bike that I put road tires on. I might have done 10,000 miles on that bike also, but I didn't have an odometer on it. And before that I was commuting three days a week on a different bike that I racked up 26,000 miles on. Despite all those miles I don't consider myself a dedicated's just the best way I have for staying fit. My joints are pretty creaky when it comes to walking or running, but when on the bike I still have the flow.
Glad you like it, Shiya. It's always a pleasant surprise when I gain a reader........there aren't many.