Sunday, December 1, 2013

End of Summer Vacation for Mustang

Brian and the boys were down for a post-Thanksgiving visit and we brought the Mustang over from the tool shed to the shop to get ready for the winter work.  We didn't do much to it except install the new steering wheel, which is a GT replica.  The whole dash area is looking pretty good:

That big ugly hole where the radio goes is the last dash problem to solve and we are working on it.  One thing we discovered when we took the wheels back off and put the car up on jack stands, is that the brake calipers had rusted with the car just sitting indoors in the shed:

Since the wheels Brian wants to install are the kind where the calipers are visible, this was not going to be acceptable.  So, even though I thought I was done with the brakes except for the front-to-rear lines and the master cylinder, I guess I get to back track a bit and remove and disassemble the calipers:

I got the rears off today and ready to take to the paint shop.  Fronts should be easier without the parking brake.  The plan is for high-temp powder coating in bright gloss red.  Killer look. 

True to tradition, we had our shoot-out during the visit, but this time Big Mike brought his arsenal, or at least part of it, over to the house and we burned through a bunch of high-power ammo and killed some paper targets and one old propane tank.  The tank still had a little gas in it that got lit off at one point.  Great fun!


Thanks to Mike, this was a memorable visit for all of us. 

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